Health & Wellbeing

Health Promoting Schools.
We at Cloneygowan National School, are a Health Promoting School. This is a whole school initiative that sees involvement from the entire school. Our Motto is that a ''Healthy School is a Happy School'' & we firmly believe that our Health is better than our Wealth, or as gaeilge ''Is fearr an t-Sláinte ná na Táinte.
We believe that everyone's wellbeing can be boosted through the promotion of a healthy diet, exercise & a fun learning environment.
Our school was awarded the Health Promoting Schools (HPS) flag a few years ago. Gaining this award, involved a lot of collaboration & teamwork!
The school are commencing their journey of working towards an Amber flag!
As part of our journey to applying for the Amber flag which forms part of our School Self Evaluation Plan we have had an Anti -bullying Week in November where we discussed and explored the various types of bullying. We are all on the lookout for each other and know what to do if we are bullied or witness bullying. Thanks to all the Mams, Dads and guardians who had these discussions at home with their children.
We also ran a very successful Wellbeing Week in March. The committee were superb and we all had a wonderful week.
We have been practising our meditation which helps us all feel calm and ready for work.
We have also partnered a senior class with a junior class and visit to help or to share some of our work.
We held a fundraiser for Pieta recently, a skipathon, and we raised €250. Thank you so much for all the donations.
The application for the Amber Flag has been sent in for consideration so we will keep you posted 🤞
Some annual events we love to encourage & for all to be apart of include:
- Halloween dress up & school parade,
- Pjama day on the day of the toyshow (where we raise money for charity),
- Christmas food appeal
- Shoe box appeal
- Christmas Jumper day,
- Grandparents day
- Jersey day,
- Seachtain na ngaeilge
- Lá Glás.
- Sports day
- Teddy bears picnic in Junior classes
Other smaller initiatives that happen in Cloneygowan N.S are- daily acts of kindness for advent, worry box, buddy bench, yard buddies, daily movement breaks, zumba, random act of kindness box, food dudes (healthy lunch boxes) & best line on yard awards.