An Gaelbhratach

A couple of people from each classroom were elected to be on the Gaelbhratach committee. This group met a couple times a month to discuss what should be done next to encourage people to use more Irish in their daily lives. This year, we did a lot of Irish activities, such as: cíc fáda, tráth na gceist, comórtas póstaer agus lá pancóga. We are the first primary school in Offaly to receive the Gaelbhratach flag!
Comhgairdeas Scoil Mhuire
Maith sibh
Fuaireamar an Gaelbhratach sa phoist! Ní raibh aon obair bhaile ag na daltaí an oiche sin. At the time, we were the first school in Offaly to get the Gaelbhratach flag! Tá áthas an domhain orainn :)